Monday, September 29, 2008

Was Mr. Deal Right?

Wow, so what is going on? What a crazy year it has crisis, historical elections, failing economy, gas shortage, unapproved bailout, banks in crisis...Is this really happening?!

So, at my previous job there was a customer, Mr. Deal. He is such a nice man, probably in his 80's, and truly a Man of God. He stands in front of the Airport and always has his "tracts" in his pocket to hand out. We used to have long discussions (I mostly listened) about God, the Bible, and how he thought this was the End Times, then explaining why. I generally thought he was a little eccentric but appreciated having a faith-centered conversation in my day. So, on my way home today, after hearing everything that happened today and also considering what has been happening lately, I began to wonder if Mr. Deal was right...we're in the End Times. Ok, so I must admit that I have mixed feelings. The selfish part of me thinks, "But there is so much left I want to do and we don't even have kids yet!" And the realistic part of me thinks, "But that's ok. I'll see my Savior and all the people that I miss and what a glorious place it must be."

Ok, kind of random today, but just kind of a reflection of the craziness in my head!

My next post will probably be much more light-hearted. Like Ashley, sometimes you just need to vent!

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